Tuesday, December 30, 2008


A- Attached or Single: Attached
B- Best Friend: Em and Krysta
C- Cake or Pie: Pie
D- Day of Choice: Saturday
E- Essential Item: Lip Gloss
F-Favorite Color: Purple
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: Gummy Worms
H- Hometown: Fallon, NV
I- Favorite Indulgence: Shopping!
J-January or July: July, I LOVE the summer
K- Kids: 2 Boys Mikey and Garrett
L- Life isn't complete without: My WONDERFUL friends, family, and husband.
M-Marriage date: 02/05/2005
N- Number of Brothers and Sisters: 1 Sister
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges...sweet and juicey
P- Phobias and Fears: Losing more loved ones, weird sounds in the night, something bad happening to my kids.
Q-Quirk: Video games on the computer.
R- Reason to smile: Mikey opening the bathroom door to tell me to stop that noise(blowdryer) so he can sleep.
S- Season of Choice: Summer
T- Tag 4 people: Em, Jen, Hayley Traci
U- Unknown Fact about me: I am a ninja! haha
V-Vegetable: artichokes, trees( as mikey calls them), greenbeans
W- Worst Habit: Procrastinating
X- X-ray or Ultra Sound: Ultrasounds
Y-Yogurt or Yo-Yo: Yougart, I am not talented enough for the yo-yo
Z- Zodiac Sign: Leo

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Only use one word. Tag 5 of your favorite bloggers to do the same!
1. Today I am feeling motivated.
2. My favorite person is working.
3. One thing I did today was excercised.
4. Today my hair is blonde.
5. My friends are always fantastic.
6. People who bug me are liars.
7. Blogging makes me feel informational.
8. Instead of blogging I should be working.
9. My kids are precious.
10. My job is awesome.
11. I love my family because it's/he/she is adorable.
12. One person who makes me laugh really hard is: Mikey
13. One person who i tell everything to is: nunya
14. My weakness is: food! haha
15. My favorite gameshow is: Supermarket Sweep
16. No one knows I'm really good at: everything!
17. One thing I have not experienced but want to is: ???
18. My favorite subject in school was: Science
19. I have a secret crush on: Bob
20. My favorite word is: bufanda
21. My favorite thing to wear is: grey
22. One word to describe myself is: superstar!
23. One thing I miss is: Em
24. My favorite nick-name is: mama
25. A pet peeve of mine is: I can't explain all of them in one word!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Long time, no blog!

I bragged all of Thanksgiving about how I have been so good
about keeping up my blog at least once a week

and then no blogs from me in forever!

What can I say, I am a slacker.

So here it goes.

Thanksgiving was AWESOME!!!

Lots of food, family, friends, shopping, friends, and more food.

Mikey learned how to play baseball.

And then came the christmas tree. This year Mikey was all

about helping decorate it. Mike always puts the

lights on, then I put on the decorations.

We have a traditon, every year the boys pick out an ornament of their choice. They get to put it on the tree, and every year we have 3 new ornaments. One for each kid, and a 49er one the hubby.

He is a giant niner fan, anyone who has watched them play in the last 10 years knows how painful this condition is. Yet we still have a dedication wall.

This year Mikey and Garret both picked a Lightening McQueen ornament, big suprise there.

Mikey just wanted to put up all the ornaments all by himself.
Here he is tellimg me he doesn't need help.

After it was all said and done, I found some non decorations in our tree.

After we got everything on the tree, we turned off all the lights, Mikey looks up at me, smiles, and says "Mom, it's so beautiful"

I hope everyone noticed the dedication wall behind the tree, sometime I wish our tree was tall enough to cover up all that niner stuff. Oh well, maybe next year.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


There is so much to be thankful for this year.
I am not sure where to start, but here it goes.
1. My health
2. Healthy babies
3. A stable job
4. Unconditonal love from my husband.
5. Mikey and Garrett's laugh.
6. Mikey and Garrett's smiles.
7. Mikey and Garrett in general!
8. My true friends(Love you Roda)
9. My family
10. Did I mention Mikey and Garrett?
Emily was right when she said hug your mom. You should also hug your dad's, grandparents, brothers, sisters, friends, and if your feeling really giving, hug your inlaws :)
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4 day weekend.
Just remember that Thanksgiving is family disfunction at it's best.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's a.....?

It's a plane!

It's a train!

No, it's SUPERMAN!

I found these SUPER cute pj's the other day at the store. They had this one and a batman one. I couldn't resist, I got them both. It even came with a little cape!

Once the camera came out, he became quite the diva. Normally it's Mikey that is the camera hog, but this night Garrett made an exception. Here are some of his runway faces:

I think he was trying to put the new cape to good use and fell down. Even superman get's his feelings hurt!

After narrowly escaping death as shown above, superman makes a full recovery, and even feels good enough to do that weird thing with his tounge. That's weird!

Of course, what would any modeling job be without the magnum face? Here is it ladies, he is currently single if anyone is looking for a young super hero.

They didn't have these pj's in Mikey's size, but that didn't seem to stop him for Jumping off everything like he is superman. After watching Garrett get all the camera attention, Mikey decided's it's his turn. He finds a winter coat that is like 2 sizes to small and is so bright, he could glow in the dark. At this point, I can't not take his picture. So here it is, the fat guy in a little coat.

I'm not even sure how he could breathe in that coat, but he sure was having a good time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Good times...

My wonderful little mikey, who is now 3 years old, has been saying the funniest things lately. I posted the blog about the "punkie patch", and when it came time to carve those pumpkins, Mikey crawled up on the kitchen table and puts his arms around the pumpkin and says " Mom, I love this pumpkin!"

So after this 10 minute love story about him and his pumpkin he says, " mom, you take a picture of us?" Like the pumpkin is someone he knows.

Now the pumpkin's have been carved and it's time to go trick or treating. Mikey has been straying from his first true love, Lightening McQueen, and been spending more time with his new Toy Story movie. We went to get his costume and he picked out 3. Buzz Light Year, Woody, and Sponge Bob. After much thought, he looks up at me and says " Mom, I be Woody." Who can say no to that? So long story short, Mikey was Woody and baby Garrett was a pumpkin. Mikey wore his costume almost everyday before Halloween. He would have slept in it if I let him. Here he is playing with Ariana on her birthday all dressed up and waiting for a gun fight. He was so excited to have a shooting gun like a real cowboy.

Garrett's costume was really fluffy around his belly and when he would sit down, he was less than pleasent. He is not much of a hat kid, but he did great with his hat for his costume. So I will now unveil the great halloween pumpkin, Baby Garrett!!!

Like I said, he wasn't the happiest kid when he was sitting, but he sure is the cutiest little pumpkin! Just a little side note, that huge pink smear on my wall is finger nail polish. That is a whole other story I will have to let you in on another day. Any way, we load everyone into the car and off to day care we go for the party. They had a costume parade, and trip to the pumpkin patch, and a trick or treat around the center. All in all, I think they had a good time. Halloween night, I got home late from work. Anyone who grew up in Nevada can share my disappointment in the fact that I had to work on Nevada day. I think we were the only doctors office in Nevada that was open. Boo :( Anyway, off we went to go trick or treating. We went with my friend Krysta and her family. Her son Mathew is a year older than Mikey and they are best friends. Mat says to me on day " Auntie Emmy, Mikey is my brother from another mother." He cracks me up. Mat was the incredable hulk, and was he so cute.

I pushed Garrett around in the stroller, and when we got to a house, he would get out and walk up to the door with the big boys. When I would put him back in the stroller, he would sit there with his bucket of candy, very content. So imagine my suprise when we take this picture. He is so sneeky!
He looks like he has been busted! Eating the chocolate in the dark! Needless to say, this halloween was great. The boys really enjoyed their costumes, had a great time trick or treating, and had a great day hanging out with their dad.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

TAG......I am IT. :) Sunday Ramblings....
This is the "5 things" tag. Answer the questions and then tag 5 of your favorite bloggers to do the same.
5 restaurants you like:
1. Pizza Barn
2. Olive Garden
3. Port of Subs
4. Sierra Joe's
5. Claim Jumper

5 things you did yesterday:
1. Took a shower
2. Bought new clothes!
3. Laundry
4.Worked out
5. Saw my dad

5 of your worst pet peeves:
1. people who are fake/two faced.
2. people who have kids and don't take care of them.
3. Putting stuff in the fridge that's almost gone!
4. Old people who drive 30 under the speed limit.
5. people with annoying voices.

5 things you love:
1. Mike
2. My babies
3. my family
4. fresh sheets
5. my GREAT true friends (especially you Roda :)

5 things you will do tomorrow:
1. Go to work
2. laugh with my kids
3. work out
4. put up pics of the boys trick or treating
5. Snuggle with my man. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Recently my best friends mom passed away from breast cancer. She was diagnosed shortly after Garrett was born. I remember when Emily told me, I was shocked. We went to dinner and I was venting about how bad the last 2 months had been. I went into labor at 30 weeks and was admitted to the hospital. I stayed there for a whole month before Garrett was born. He was six weeks early. We had a close call, they said 5 or so more minutes and we would have blead to death. He stayed 3 weeks after his birth mastering the skill of eating. I am just going on and on and when I finally ask Em how things are with her, she says" My mom has stage 4 breast cancer." My heart sunk. What do you say to that? I made a commiment that day to be there for Emily whenever she needed. We have know each other our whole lives, but been best friends for about 12 years. As she says, we can go months without talking and just pick up where we left off. Over the last 19 months we have had many dinners, long phone calls, and too many rain checks on get togethers. Her mom made this awesome journal through her battle with cancer. At her funeral Emily shared some pieces of it. It was AMAZING! It got me to start thinking about what I have in my life and how blessed I am. Here are some of the things I am truely blessed to have.

Love: My husband loves me no matter what. No matter how crazy our day is or what happens, I can always look at him and he just smiles and it makes all the drama of the day melt away.

Healthy babies: Mikey came into this world weighing almost 9 pounds! He has never been really sick. A cold here or there but nothing serious. Garrett had a close call in the beginning, but he is a very busy little boy now. He was 6 weeks early and weighed 5 pounds. He would have been a giant like mikey if he was full term. I am greatful for modern medicine and the will of that little angel to make it.

My friends: I have had many friends through the years, but I feel that I am one of the few who has had the same best friend from childhood. Emily you are my bestie. We have been through so much together, and we are so young. I feel very blessed to have you in my life and it's my honor to call you my best friend. Here is an inside joke for you , hopefully it brings a little smile to your day.

My family: Is crazy! Anyone who know my dad or sister can appreciate this one. I am 26 years old and my parents still call me every day to see how we are. My mom calls every night to talk to my boys. I talk to my sister on average 10 times a day. We may not always see eye to eye, but we love each other and are there for one another when we need it. Thank you guys, I love you!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Punkie Patch

Ever since the grocery stores have had their pumpkins out, Mikey has been asking me " Mom, you get me a punkie?" Normally I would have, but this year I thought that the boys would be old enough to go to and actually enjoy the pumpkin patch, and I was right. There was a big slide covered with hay bails. You had to climb up this hay stairway to the top. At the bottom was a big pile of loose hay. Mikey went down once and got scared, so he just pulled a wagon with one lonley pumpkin. Garrett on the other hand LOVED IT! I couldn't get him off. He even climbed the stairs all by him self.

Once he got to the top, me or ariana would get him ready to go down.

As you can see, it's a little steep for a 19 month old, but that didn't stop him.

Don't let his size fool you, he's not afraid of anything!

After a crash landing in hay, he rolls right out and makes a full recovery!

He then runs around to the stairs by him self to do it again. I would just wait at the top for him.

Mikey and Ariana had a great time too.

I almost forgot, here is a picture of Mikey pulling around that little baby punkie.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Boots and Gangsters.

Mikey has a pair of bright blue Thomas the Train snow boots. He has never been much into Thomas, but he loves trains. So last winter, he wore the blue boots every day. Summer came and he still wants to wear the boots, every day. They are way to small and its about 100 degrees outside, but still, they are the only shoes he will wear.

So this summer, after much anticipation, I finally bought mikey a new pair boots. Lightening McQueen is mikey's idol. He eat's, sleeps, and breaths Lightening McQueen. I got a pair of bright red boots. He LOVES them. I am so excited to get rid of the STINKY blue boots. So imagine my suprise when I come down the hall and see this.

The boots live on!!!!!!!

Mikey got a bike for his third birthday in august. He love it. It's red and blue and he has a matching helmet, gloves, and knee and elbow pads. He rides it pretty good on the side walk, but gets scared anywhere else.

There are about 10 other kids who live in our neighborhood and like 8 of them are boys. They are anywhere between 6 and 11 years old. Everyday Mikey looks out the window and asks " I go play with my friends mom?" Who can say no to that? However, he is not big enough to play in the street. Yesterday all his friends are riding there bikes in the street and Mikey wants to go SOOO BAD! After like 10 minutes of pathetic begging, I agree to get his bike and take him to ride with his friends. Mind you, he is so excited to ride with the big boys that he cant even petal. I am just pushing him down the street on his bike while he is laughing. Around the corner comes this entourage of bicycles, and he gets more excited. All the boys pull up around us and are saying" Mikey, your riding your bikes with the big boys." Out of the blue, they all start laughing and making these faces and throwing up these signs. All of a sudden, I feel like saying," I hear your gangster, I'm pretty gangster myself" They are soooo cool.

I know that was kind of a random blog, but that is a day in my life. Sometimes my kids say and do the funniest things.

Monday, October 6, 2008

So I have never been much of a blogger, but more and more of my friends are doing it, so why not! I figure it's a good way to keep everyone posted on my ever so hectic life. I am married to my wonderul husband Mike. We have two wonderful boys, Mikey and Garrett. Everyday is an adventure in our house. We don't own anything that isn't sticky, stained, or broken.