Tuesday, November 25, 2008


There is so much to be thankful for this year.
I am not sure where to start, but here it goes.
1. My health
2. Healthy babies
3. A stable job
4. Unconditonal love from my husband.
5. Mikey and Garrett's laugh.
6. Mikey and Garrett's smiles.
7. Mikey and Garrett in general!
8. My true friends(Love you Roda)
9. My family
10. Did I mention Mikey and Garrett?
Emily was right when she said hug your mom. You should also hug your dad's, grandparents, brothers, sisters, friends, and if your feeling really giving, hug your inlaws :)
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4 day weekend.
Just remember that Thanksgiving is family disfunction at it's best.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh Em....hope you have a happy day!! SO sorry we missed you the other nite...I forgot you were coming to town and we were out and about. I'm thankful for you! Give your kiddies a hug from their auntie Em!! xoxxo!