Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Recently my best friends mom passed away from breast cancer. She was diagnosed shortly after Garrett was born. I remember when Emily told me, I was shocked. We went to dinner and I was venting about how bad the last 2 months had been. I went into labor at 30 weeks and was admitted to the hospital. I stayed there for a whole month before Garrett was born. He was six weeks early. We had a close call, they said 5 or so more minutes and we would have blead to death. He stayed 3 weeks after his birth mastering the skill of eating. I am just going on and on and when I finally ask Em how things are with her, she says" My mom has stage 4 breast cancer." My heart sunk. What do you say to that? I made a commiment that day to be there for Emily whenever she needed. We have know each other our whole lives, but been best friends for about 12 years. As she says, we can go months without talking and just pick up where we left off. Over the last 19 months we have had many dinners, long phone calls, and too many rain checks on get togethers. Her mom made this awesome journal through her battle with cancer. At her funeral Emily shared some pieces of it. It was AMAZING! It got me to start thinking about what I have in my life and how blessed I am. Here are some of the things I am truely blessed to have.

Love: My husband loves me no matter what. No matter how crazy our day is or what happens, I can always look at him and he just smiles and it makes all the drama of the day melt away.

Healthy babies: Mikey came into this world weighing almost 9 pounds! He has never been really sick. A cold here or there but nothing serious. Garrett had a close call in the beginning, but he is a very busy little boy now. He was 6 weeks early and weighed 5 pounds. He would have been a giant like mikey if he was full term. I am greatful for modern medicine and the will of that little angel to make it.

My friends: I have had many friends through the years, but I feel that I am one of the few who has had the same best friend from childhood. Emily you are my bestie. We have been through so much together, and we are so young. I feel very blessed to have you in my life and it's my honor to call you my best friend. Here is an inside joke for you , hopefully it brings a little smile to your day.

My family: Is crazy! Anyone who know my dad or sister can appreciate this one. I am 26 years old and my parents still call me every day to see how we are. My mom calls every night to talk to my boys. I talk to my sister on average 10 times a day. We may not always see eye to eye, but we love each other and are there for one another when we need it. Thank you guys, I love you!

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