Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So seeing how christmas was almost a month ago, I figure that I could pull it together and post our christmas stuff. This was the first year that Mikey was really excited. Garrett a little, but Mikey asked everyday when santa was going to come. It was a awesome day. We woke up to this.

I can't remember the last time I woke up to a white christmas. Fresh snow!
I felt like a kid a again.
Then on to opening presents. Mikey woke up early and we made him wait until Garrett woke up. Garrett is the kid who sleeps until 10 a.m. Mikey was going crazy, so we decided to wake up Garrett and let the gift exchange begin. As you can see, Garrett didn't care much at first.

Mikey got a coloring table, equipped with like 7,000 colors.

They got matching everything. I didn't even chance the fight, just bought two of everything.
If you ask me, the best gift was the Incredible Hulk fighting gloves. They are so FUN!

Don't let the size of the gloves compared to the size of his body fool you. He can hold his own and have a good time. Bye the way, don't mess with him, he's tough.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Excuse me...is he not the cutest thing you ever looked at?????? I love the hulk gloves too....where's mine. I MISS YOU...I have some new news. No, no engagements or babies...but almost as good. Call me or email me. I must share! xoxo