Wednesday, April 8, 2009

From the mouths of babe's...

My sweet Mikey has been full of things to say:
Mikey: Hey mom, do you need my muscles?
Me: What?
Mikey: I was just wondering if you need me to open or break something, I am strong.

Mikey: Mom, can I have some cookies?
Me: Nope, it's time for bed.
Mikey: WHAT! There is NO cookies!
Me: No, we have cookies, but it's time for bed.
Mikey: FINE, I will just be sad.

And my personal favorite. Last week we were in walmart and there was a lady COVERED with freckels. I mean covered. I have never seen so many freckels on one person in my life.
I had seen her when we got to the store. While we were checking out, she got in line behind us. Mikey get this super concerned look on his face and says to his dad:
That lady is sick. Mike looks at her and says No she's not, she is fine
then mikey says no she's not dad, she has polka dots.

1 comment:

4 cute chicks said...

Too cute.
He is so sweet. Very observant for a busy little boy.